BenQ has announced two new CULV laptop namely the Joybook S35 and Joybook S43. The former has a 13.3-inch LCD display with an Intel GMA4500HD graphics, while the latter provides a 14-inch LCD screen with an ATI Mobility Radeon HD4300 graphics. Both notebooks come jam packed with feature a CULV CPU (Consumer Ultra Low Voltage) which comes in different CPU flavors including a 1.4GHz Core 2 Solo, a 1.2GHz Celeron 732, a 1.3GHz Core 2 Duo SU7300 and a 1.3GHz Celeron 743. Other features include a LED backlight LCD with a 1366×768 resolution, eSATA, Wi-Fi, an HDMI out, a webcam, Bluetooth, and an optional 500GB HDD.