Fujitsu has launched two new laptops that provides an extra long battery life. The Fujitsu P3010 and P3110 feature an 11.6-inch display and up to 6.7-hour of battery life (or up to 7.2-hours in eco mode). Fujitsu LifeBook P3110 comes with the latest Intel Pentium processor SU4100 (1.30GHz, 800MHz, 2MB L2 Cache) and the LifeBook P3010 features the latest AMD AthlonTM Neo processor MV-40 (1.6GHz, 512KB L2 cache). The LifeBook P3110 is available in Glossy Black, Glossy Silver and Glossy Ruby Red, while the LifeBook P3010 comes in Glossy Black and Glossy Ruby Red. [DesInformado]