Lenovo launched three new PC

Lenovo expects to launch three new computer line its promises to attract much attention.
The first model was introduced in this Lenovo IdeaPad U350 is the thickness of only about 2.54 cm and weighs 1.6 kg - Lenovo parameters that are "pursuing" trend "ultra-thin, ultra light" is thrive on the laptop segment now.
Lenovo U350 nterestingly, the U350 is equipped with different CULV energy-saving chip from Intel. Line is the latest Intel chip, dual-core chip CULV is energy saving for a laptop. Chips promises will bring a longer time to use for users. Lenovo is the first company to use two chips, only the Acer notebook with the timeline. Estimated price of U350 is 649 USD.
12 inch Lenovo Netbook

Model 2 is a netbook with a 12 inch screen and allows users to choose to use discrete graphics processors with the nVidia Ion. Focus on improving the graphics capabilities that make netbooks ambitions closer to the daily tasks of computer users, not simply a machine to surf the web as before.

Model in the final release of the Lenovo is the computer "all in one" C330. This is a desktop equipped with Intel's Atom processor and motherboard monitor is designed on a common single block. Impressed C330 screen 20 inch thick and about 5 cm.
Article notably C330 is quite soft prices, starting from 449 USD.

Lenovo C330

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