

Livescribe has added new products to its Pulse Smartpen portfolio for Holiday Gift Giving. The pen is now available in both 4GB and 2GB models with a new titanium color. The 4GB version can hold up to 400 hours of recorded audio and provides enough storage for apps for entertainment and education.

The 4GB model sells for $199.95 and the 2GB version sells for $169.95. Livescribe is also offering a Pro-Pack bundle that includes the 4GB pen in black, an A5 size notebook, premium leather holder, handwriting to text software, and the Pro Charging Cable for $249.95.

The big downside to the Livescribe pen is still that you have to use special paper for taking your notes. If the pen worked on any paper it would be much better I think. The pen can now also be purchased at Best Buy locations and at Staples.


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