Nokia phone combats domestic violence

Used or abused partners now have a new source of help, thanks to Nokia, which has launched a handset for victims of domestic violence.

A domestic violence helpline number is pre-programmed into Nokia's 2705
The 2705 Shade has the telephone number of the National Domestic Violence Hotline (NDVH) pre-programmed into the contact list, Nokia said.
The idea is that 2705 users with abusive partners only need flip the phone open and select “#HOPE” – the NDVH’s moniker - from the address book, before being put through to the helpful hotline.
The phone is available with or without a 1.3Mp integrated camera and is compatible with Nokia’s Xpress-on covers.
A UK launch date or price for the Nokia 2705 Shade hasn’t been confirmed. ®
                                                          (By reghardware)

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