Onkyo is offering a new nettop PC with the launch of the Onkyo P305A3, which features NVIDIA’s Ion platform. Under the hood, the Onkyo P305A3 comes with a 1.6GHx Intel Atom N230 processor, NVIDIA’s Ion chipset, a GeForce 9400M graphics card and 2GB of RAM.
Some other specifications include a 160GB hard drive, slot loading DVD burner, a 5-in-1 card reader, built in WiFi, four USB 2.0 ports, eSATA and HDMI. The Onkyo P305A3 NVIDIA Ion Nettop PC will run Windows 7 Home Premium, and will go on sale in Japan for a stunning $771.
No idea when we might see the Onkyo P305A3 NVIDIA Ion Nettop PC in the US and Europe.