Speakers 'invisible'

Sonance, specialist firms matching speakers with interior design, recently introduced line of Invisible hidden in wall or ceiling without losing any music notes.

SAW subwoofer. One can arbitrarily draw the design, this coating surface. Photo: Electronichouse.

SA3 products including speakers and the subwoofer SA1.5 SAW. They are coated with a layer of transparent paper, flat lý, easy to draw pictures to decorate the room.
SA3 is a driver follow planar membrane technology, has area 48 square inch subwoofer cone with traditional 8-inch diameter. SA1.5 a 6.5 inch cone subwoofer. If you want more bass, one might add Saw 8 inch driver with "reviews" with super bass amplifiers Sonamp the A800 is genuine.

When Invisible Republic might dong with interior design in house prices means that they also get along with the affordability of employer: a pair of SA3 about 1,400 USD, 1,000 USD and SA1.5 SAW is $ 1,000.
 (by Electronichouse)

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